
ARISE analytic本社計画中/ARISE analytics Headquarters in Progress

KDDI ×アクセンチュアのジョイントベンチャーとして2017年に誕生し、企業のデータドリブン経営を支援するデータアナリティクス専業会社ARISE analyticsの改修計画。


A renovation plan for ARISE analytics, a data analytics company that was born in 2017 as a joint venture between KDDI and Accenture and supports corporate data-driven management.
We are also involved as a design partner with the goal of creating an environment where more than 300 data scientists are most comfortable working in the world.
Part of the result will be completed in Shibuya by the end of the year. One of the concepts is building an agile environment and social distance.
A number of movable furniture realizes an organic office space.

Collaboration partner : Okamura corp.