2024 October 16


We are proud to announce that the residential complex “THE CONTOUR ” in Tokyo, which we had the privilege of providing design and supervision for, has been  awarded the GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2024.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the client, all those involved, and everyone who has supported us along the way.We look forward to your continued support in the future.

2023 April 18


We are pleased to announce that “ohagi3 FLAGSHIP SAKAE”, for which KA was in charge of design and CD, have received the “iF DESIGN AWARD 2023” in Germany.
We would like to express our sincere appreciation to the client, everyone involved, and everyone who has been cooperating with us on a daily basis.

2022 December 8


The magazine “SHINKENCHIKU JUTAKU TOKUSHU” (Dec 2022) published HAYAMA-KACHITEI by our renovation design. The article is titled “Inheritance of Residential Heritage” and features case studies of the preservation and revitalization of great architects’ works.

2022 October 17

Media: JDN

KA is honored to have “ohagi3 FLAGSHIP SAKAE”, for which we were in charge of design and creative direction, published in the Japanese design media “JDN”. We hope you will take a look.

>>Read Article (only in Japanese)



2022 September 6


The magazine “ Commercial Space Lighting Vol.7” (2022. Oct) published an article on ohagi3 FLAGSHIP SAKAE, which we designed. The article introduces the founder Shuhei’s experience of the Scandinavian light and ohagi3’s original pendant light.

2022 June 28


The magazine “ SHOUTEN KENCHIKU” (2022. June ) published a 7-pages-long article on ohagi3 FLAGSHIP SAKAE by our design and creative direction.

2022 May 5

雑誌掲載: Casa Brutus

Magazine “Discover Japan” published an article of “ohagi3 FLAGSHIP SAKAE” by our design and branding.

>>Read Article (only in Japanese)


2022 April 23

Magazine: Discover Japan

Magazine “Discover Japan” published an article of “ohagi3 FLAGSHIP SAKAE” by our design and branding.

>>read article (only Japanese)

2022 April 22


【TECTURE MAG 】published an article of “ohagi3 FLAGSHIP SAKAE” by our design and branding.

>>read article (only Japanese)

2022 April 19

Architectural Institute of Japan, Young Architect Award 2022

We, KAMIYA ARCHITECTS, are pleased to announce that Shuhei Kamiya (CEO and Creative Director) was awarded the “Architectural Institute of Japan, Young Architect Award for Selected Architectural Designs 2022” for his work on the “HAYAMA KACHITEI”.

We would like to express our sincere appreciation to the client and everyone involved, as well as to everyone who has been cooperating with us on a daily basis. We look forward to your continued support.


Kamiya’s comment:

“I recognize receiving the AIJ Young Architect Award as an official opportunity to mature as an architect. From now on, I would like to take a more multifaceted viewpoint and continue to design architecture that are both challenging and backed by advanced technology. I also hope to develop talents among our colleagues to win such an honorable award.”